Sunday, August 15, 2010

I would Live for Love, Die for Life, & Kill for Freedom

Live for Love, Die for Life, Kill for Freedom

What would I live, die, and kill for? I would live for love, die for life, and kill for freedom. After all, it is in the constitution, “…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. I would live for love because giving love and being loved is what makes me human. Love has all facets. Love can be felt, heard, and seen. Without love, life is just a shell, a meaningless existence awaiting death to take hold. Love can be expressed through hugs and kisses, smiles and laughter, sacrifice and charity. To live humanely is to love. I am loved by my family and friends, and eventually I will be loved by a life partner. But until that life partner comes along, I am content with loving myself and the people around me that need it more than I.

There is no greater joy than showing others love. Generosity is a huge indicator that someone loves and cares for me. My mother helped me get a computer by co signing for a loan to purchase it. She paid off the computer and because of that I had good credit. I learned how to spot people who genuinely care for me because they do things that help me grow. They do not do things that help themselves because they know that the greatest joy is not in selfishness but in love and kindness. Those are the people I want to be around and that is the type of person I would like to become.

I work in a correctional institution where the state houses people who have done criminal and inhumane things. They are sometimes referred to as animals or sub humans. I disagree. I believe these people have not learned what it means to be human. I asked an inmate what was the difference between a man and an animal, he told me he did not know. He then began to name obvious characteristics like skin and hair and things we eat. Although these differences are what make us human, I told him that there was only one difference. He looked at me confused and practically begged me for the answer. I told him the only difference between a human being and an animal is love. I believe love is what we were designed for. If I do not live for love, then I am waiting to die and I do not want to die.

However, if I were to die, I would like to die for life. I do not think death should be in vain nor do I believe that it just happens without reason. Nothing in this world just happens. Sometimes I believe death happens so that others can live.  For example, a drunk driver causing a fatal accident. When someone dies it sends a message to people who think drinking is fun. Sometimes dying can save more lives than living but I will not kill myself just to save a few lives. I love my life and will not kill myself intentionally.

I would not kill to save lives, but I would kill for my freedom. Freedom is important. It is part of the American dream. Who does not want to be free? If I were to kill, I would definitely kill for my freedom. I need freedom to love, freedom to live, and freedom to prosper. I do not like people controlling my every move, telling me where to go, who I can see, and what I can eat. This is why I am single. I enjoy having my freedom to go where I want to and date whoever I want to with no ties to anyone. I do not have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings because I am not tied down. I think relationships are bondage. They make you oppressed, depressed, and distressed. I believe it is better to be lonely and alone than to be lonely and with someone. I need my freedom!

Do not get me wrong, I am not the love them and leave them type. If I find someone that will treat me right I will consider being in a relationship with that person. For now, I do not see that happening anytime soon. Freedom is like the air I breathe. It is a necessity for life. Without freedom I would suffocate. And I will not have a man, woman or child suffocate me. I am an eagle with unclipped wings.

Years ago Maya Angelo wrote a book entitled “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. I never read the book, but from the title, I believe it had to do something with freedom. A caged bird is like a person being trapped somewhere with no control over their own basic needs like food, water, and shelter. This person is totally dependent on someone else. This could also be a form of government dependency. The bird is a symbol of freedom, and the singing represents a sound, a voice being heard. Based on the title of the book, I can somehow figure out that the book is about freedom being heard even when it appears that it does not exist. Freedom transcends through cages like the song of a bird and for something that powerful, I would kill to possess it!

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